“The free offer of the gospel is broad enough to include the worst sinner who believes; the gospel is narrow enough to exclude the most moral, religious unbeliever.” – John MacArthur. If you ask most thinking people if they believe there’s a God in heaven, they’ll tell you they do. If you ask the same people if …
Tag Archives: hell
Eyes like a Flame of Fire
According to mainstream media, “Are you religious?” was the question each person was asked before dying at the hand of the demon-possessed shooter at Umpqua Community College, in Oregon, USA. Apparently the true question asked was, “Are you Christian?” Imagine the headlines had the question been, “Are you Muslim?” or, “Are you gay?” The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name …
A Scoffer is a Mocker and a Mocker is a Scoffer
“Prove to me the existence of God,” says the mocking scoffer. “Prove to me the Bible is the Word of God,” says the scoffing mocker. My response: “You are the proof!” Will such a response give witness to them that this is so. No, most probably not. But for any new Christian reading this post, it will …
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A Witness so Effective
One of the expressions of Christian-speak disturbing me in this time of increasing evil is: “God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin.” It rolls off the mouth of Christians so easily. When preachers express it they’ll also use the most famous Scripture to back it up: For God so loved the world that He gave His only …
The Devil’s Darts
The visiting Bible teacher told us, “Continue to read the Word of God even when you don’t understand it. It washes away the rubbish anyway.” I’m glad I took his advice. Back then, my head still contained too much rubbish – humanist rubbish, religious rubbish, superstitious rubbish, pagan rubbish, New Age rubbish, Marxist rubbish, Satanic rubbish …
That’s God’s language!
Pastor-teacher, John MacArthur says, “Speak the truth about the sin in order to speak the truth about the Savior who forgives.” Praise God that he does! I wonder how different things would be if every pastor-teacher would take a leaf from his book and do the same. In his new book, a Senator in the …
So Which Judgment for You?
The religious lady spoke of her fear of having to face God, “On Judgment day.” It was one of the reasons she got out of bed early nearly every week morning to attend Mass, believing if she was faithful in that practice, God would look upon her with mercy on that day. She’s not the only one to hold …
God’s Last Resort Language
Over the past twenty-five years a mother has suffered the loss of three sons. Now ninety-three years of age, she wants to know what she did wrong. When family members tell her it’s not her fault she cannot accept it. Another mother suffered the loss of three sons within ten years. In her eighties when I meet her, …
Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not
People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …
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It’s God’s Way Not Your Way
I watched a TV program the other night about a man they called the Face Doctor. He is a jaw and face reconstructive surgeon whose patients are mostly young victims of drunken violence. Asked how often was he putting people’s faces back together again because of violence, he said, “Every single week. It just goes on …