It’s Your Badge of Honor

“You’re too black and white; you leave no room for grey areas.” How many Christians have had an accusation similar to that thrown at them for their uncompromising stand for the Scriptures of the Bible?! All praise to God if you have. It’s your badge of honor; wear it proudly! As it is presently, you are one …

Wise and Holy Minds

If one should ever doubt the level of humanitarian, political and journalistic aid and support we Christians in the Western world can expect to receive when we are sorely persecuted for our faith in Christ, one need look no further than the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. You see little evidence of much? Me too! …

Satan’s Man

For some months now during my early morning quiet time with the Lord, two new prayers are being brought before Him. One: that I be filled with the Holy Spirit for the hour of persecution. Two: that I be fully immersed or saturated in the Scriptures. I don’t know how bad things will get for us here …

A Scoffer is a Mocker and a Mocker is a Scoffer

“Prove to me the existence of God,” says the mocking scoffer. “Prove to me the Bible is the Word of God,” says the scoffing mocker. My response: “You are the proof!” Will such a response give witness to them that this is so. No, most probably not. But for any new Christian reading this post, it will …

“I think” The god of Self-opinion

In a discussion on good versus evil, most of the participants agreed with the host’s motto: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Whilst not disagreeing, the Christian Bible teacher among them reminded the group, “There’s another one before that,” You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all …

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