Don’t Buy the Lie that Life lacks Purpose or Meaning

A recent survey of 1500 people in the UK showed 89% of 16-29-year-olds among them believing life lacks purpose or meaning. 55% of those over 60 years answered the same way. That’s a decent sized survey. It tells me that’s probably the percentage of all UK people in those age brackets at this point. The …

Righteousness follows Redemption, Worship follows Righteousness

Quote: “Redemption is prior to righteousness. You cannot be righteous until you are first redeemed. Redemption, righteousness – you cannot worship until you are redeemed and righteous. That is the chronology, that is the logic of it all. Redemption, righteousness and worship.” – Ravi Zacharias.***   Redemption – ‘deliverance by sacrifice.’ Of all the religious books, the …

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