My God is Your God. My Bible is Your Bible.

When proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, there has always been the odd one or two to firmly let me know they are not interested in knowing about, “your God” or “your Bible.” Amazingly, such has even been expressed by church affiliated people! Who, “their god ” might be, they are not able …

The Coronavirus Chaos

A fellow Christian and I were discussing the coronavirus chaos recently. He said he was trying to figure out how much of the mainstream media reporting on it was true, how much was half true and how much was far from true. “It’s so difficult to know who to believe,” he said. “I don’t know …

Anything Less than a Three-fold Change is Penance not Repentance!

This post is written for people not familiar with the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth to save you from the penalty of your sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross in your place Hebrews 9:26. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. You sin …

Righteousness follows Redemption, Worship follows Righteousness

Quote: “Redemption is prior to righteousness. You cannot be righteous until you are first redeemed. Redemption, righteousness – you cannot worship until you are redeemed and righteous. That is the chronology, that is the logic of it all. Redemption, righteousness and worship.” – Ravi Zacharias.***   Redemption – ‘deliverance by sacrifice.’ Of all the religious books, the …

A Common Christian-speak Question

A common Christian-speak question: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Going by the number of Google searches, it seems the question is still relevant to preachers and writers as it was when I was first challenged with it 30-plus years ago. But much has happened …

The Evolutionary Humanism “values” List

On her website, a Democratic Party nominee for District Attorney in Boston, USA, lists fifteen criminal offenses that she will decline to prosecute if she is elected. Her quote to a TV presenter: “We are spending too much time on petty crimes that are clogging up our system and costing us more money.” Some of …

Experience Release from Internal Lawlessness

Quote: “People will settle for an ignorant answer and a fantasy rather than face a biblical reality.” – John MacArthur. Question: Does God exist? Ignorant answer: No. He exists only in the minds of people controlled by religious despots. Question: Is Jesus Christ God? Ignorant answer: No. He never said He was. Question: Will Jesus Christ …

Self-righteous Finger-pointers

“God is exposing their hearts at last,” I read somewhere recently, in reference to sexual harassment allegations made against Weinstein, Spacey, Frankel, Conyers, Moore and whoever else on the list. Well, maybe God is exposing them, but if He is, may I suggest that perhaps He is exposing the hearts of many accusers too, speaking of …

The Spirit of Hatred is On the March

No doubt there were many Christians across the globe asking, “Why, Lord?” in relation to the mass slaughter of their fellow Christian brothers and sisters, young and old, in Sutherland Falls Texas, USA, last Sunday. I did. Did God answer me? Not in a manner I would have liked and I don’t suspect He will seeing He …

Don’t Die a Lawless Rebel!

“Roger, not everyone believes in your god. Why do others have to live by what you believe?” I was asked this on “social” media two weeks ago in reference to my standing against same-sex marriage, which the nation is soon to vote on through a postal plebiscite. Not all who questioned or commented were as polite, …

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