A Common Christian-speak Question

A common Christian-speak question: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Going by the number of Google searches, it seems the question is still relevant to preachers and writers as it was when I was first challenged with it 30-plus years ago. But much has happened …

Don’t Die a Lawless Rebel!

“Roger, not everyone believes in your god. Why do others have to live by what you believe?” I was asked this on “social” media two weeks ago in reference to my standing against same-sex marriage, which the nation is soon to vote on through a postal plebiscite. Not all who questioned or commented were as polite, …

Illegitimate Guilt

I asked the Jehovah’s Witness man at my door, “How do you handle guilt?” Clearly taken aback with the question, he replied, “I don’t have any guilt?” I said, “Yes you do. Everyone has guilt; you’re no exception. What do you do with your guilt?” Religious or not, I like to ask people that question; …

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