What happens When the Church Turns its Back on God?

Question: What happens when the Church turns its back on God? Answer No 1. It violates the 1st Commandment of God, You shall have no other gods before Me Exodus 20:2. That’s rebellion. Answer No 2. It violates the 2nd Commandment of God, You shall not make for yourself any carved image Exodus 20:4. Carved into …

The God-sent Moment of Truth

All hell broke loose during April this year when a well-known Christian International Rugby Union player here in Australia was asked by someone on “Social” Media, “What was God’s plan for gays?” His reply, “HELL, unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” As can be imagined, he won himself few friends with that …

This Religious but Rebellious Reverend

A Satanically-possessed gunman slaughters 59 people and wounds an additional 500-plus people in Las Vegas, USA, and the female Reverend of the 5500-member Chicago Fourth Presbyterian Church says, “It’s overwhelming and God has some explaining to do.” Wrong, Reverend. Not according to Job Chapters 38-41 He hasn’t! It is you who has some explaining to do. …

Don’t Die a Lawless Rebel!

“Roger, not everyone believes in your god. Why do others have to live by what you believe?” I was asked this on “social” media two weeks ago in reference to my standing against same-sex marriage, which the nation is soon to vote on through a postal plebiscite. Not all who questioned or commented were as polite, …

If the Church Allowed God back In

“This nation needs God,” is one of the common statements from Christians here in Australia presently. They are saying it in reference to the Australian people getting the opportunity soon, to have their vote on same-sex marriage through a postal plebiscite. Perhaps more accurately, they’re saying it because of the overt vitriol and bitterness spewing from the …

No Fear of God

Whether they’re Christians or not, ask most mature-minded people to give you reasons for the deteriorating state of human attitudes and behavior in society today and you will be given a variety of them. They’ll be correct too for a large part, but it will be a rare one who tells you it’s because, There is …

Get Away from Religious Impostors

Question: What is it churches endorsing same-sex marriage, transgenderism and interfaith have in common? Answer: they are all walking a road they believe takes them to heaven, but the reality is it takes them to hell. It matters not the number of arrow-pointed signs marked “Heaven” on that road, hell is where they’re headed and …

Bring back the Fire and Brimstone Preachers!

“No fear of God! That’s the problem with the church today, brother.” So said the church man to me about 30 years ago. He expressed the word fear in the context of Christians giving little thought to the possibility of God’s judgment coming upon them for their on-going, non-confessed sinful attitudes and behavior, now that they’re, “in the Lord.” …

It Behoves Us All To Be Prepared

Referring to death, “It behoves us all to be prepared,” said the old saint to my wife and I at our first meeting many years ago. We’ve never forgotten him or his words. I thought of them again last Sunday when learning of the deaths of what’s reported to be at least 160 people when …

God Has a Doomsday Clock Too

I see the people at The Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences have kept their Doomsday Clock at 3 minutes to midnight for the second January in a row. “Doomsday Clock reflects grave threat to the world” is the headline of one media outlet. According to Wikipedia, “Concerns amid continued lack of global political action to address global …

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