God Has a Doomsday Clock Too

I see the people at The Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences have kept their Doomsday Clock at 3 minutes to midnight for the second January in a row. “Doomsday Clock reflects grave threat to the world” is the headline of one media outlet. According to Wikipedia, “Concerns amid continued lack of global political action to address global …

Why Don’t “Believers” Become Believers?

I praise God for the Bible teacher who once asked his class, “What is one of the evidences of being baptized in the Holy Spirit?” His message was on a cassette tape so I was unable to see facial expressions. I heard laughter though, when he answered the question, “War!” He went on to teach spiritual warfare …

Where did that come from?

One of the most common “mantras” I’ve discovered in society is, “If God is so all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow war, suffering, starvation etc etc?” Many people who asked me this on the streets did not want my biblical answer, they used it only to justify their own position or stand in life. …

So did their actions

A constant, but remarkable observation for me always, was the apathy and indifference demonstrated by the middle-class in the community, towards the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Here I was, a messenger, equipped with the greatest news possible for each and every one of them, operating under the authority and empowerment of the greatest News Director in all the …

He said he’d missed death by inches many times in his life

One mid-afternoon I walked by the home of a smiling old man standing in his front door entrance.  I stopped and introduced myself and informed him I was from the local church around the corner.  He looked pleased when told of this and he asked me if I could come back late afternoon to talk. Whenever someone asks …

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