I Don’t Believe they Don’t Believe in God

For the past couple of years or so, I’ve been noting comments made by the same few people on one particular “social” media forum who say they don’t believe in God and religion. When a new discussion thread comes up about either one, they can always be relied upon to turn up like clockwork and express an opinion. Sadly …

Where did that come from?

One of the most common “mantras” I’ve discovered in society is, “If God is so all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow war, suffering, starvation etc etc?” Many people who asked me this on the streets did not want my biblical answer, they used it only to justify their own position or stand in life. …

Untested teachings and opinions

The old lady stood in her doorway hunched over her walking stick as she spoke with me.  In her eighties, she told me that she used to go to church but had now ceased the practice due to ill health.  She had a number of illnesses, but asthma was the one most evident.  As I spoke with …

I’ve got lots of bitterness and unforgiveness

The day I called at Mrs Bell’s house and gave her the reason for my visit, tears came into her eyes and she said, “It was two years ago today since my husband died and I know God has sent you, I’ve been feeling down all day.”  She told me she and her daughter were both baptized but she …

You were sent by God today

The lady introduced herself as Dorothy.  Perhaps in her late sixties, she was already standing at her front gate as I came along, telling me that she had heard me speaking with a neighbour two doors down, so she “came out for a chat too.”  She said she was a widow and as a consequence didn’t get to …

Not always smooth sailing out there

Being a street minister for the gospel of Jesus Christ is not easy work.  In four or five hours of any one day I would meet a variety of people and I never knew what to expect from any one them.  Some were warm and welcoming to Christ’s gospel message, others were indifferent to it and still others …

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