Not Just a Jewish Peasant!

Like all Protestant churches built long years ago, no doubt the congregants of this one in my town would have confessed, proclaimed and sung, The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust….. Psalm 18:2. In sermons and songs they would have had zero doubts as …

Satan Goes to Church

And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake…… Matthew 10:22. In my 30-plus years as a Christian, that Scripture has not been among the favorites of preachers, teachers or evangelists I’ve sat under, unless they relegated it back to the apostles of Christ’s day, the martyrs of Foxe’s book or other persecuted Christians of yesteryear in …

Religious Child Abuse

I see atheist and Jesus Christ-denier Richard Dawkins’ claim that, “Teaching children to accept their families’ religious beliefs is child abuse,” is gathering support among like-minded atheists and Christ-deniers. Apart from knowing he is an atheist and Jesus Christ-denier, I know little else about Mr Dawkins. Many such people have come and gone before him with others waiting in the wings to take …

Keep Trampling!

Said the seventy disciples of Jesus to Jesus upon their return from ministry, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name Luke 10:17. When was the last time you heard your church leaders tell you demons are subject to you in Jesus name? Better still, when was the last time you actively confirmed that …

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