God said, “Humility, not ability.”

A friend from overseas stayed for a couple of nights recently. He knows my stand for the Lord Jesus, the gospel and the Bible. During times of both national and international disasters he’s heard me speak of the Bible’s promises of blessing and protection for obedience to God and His promises of judgment and lack of protection for …

They All Speak For Jesus … But Which Jesus?

I remember twenty-five years ago as a naive, young Christian, being very impressed with the pastor’s question, “What would you do if Jesus came to your home? Would you have to hide any books, magazines, videos, recorded music?” He asked the wrong question. Based on events and happenings that took place in his personal life just a few …

Freemasonry Is An Offense To God!

In the supermarket the other evening, I met up with a Christian sister whom I’d not seen for some months and, as is usually the case after an exchange of greetings, I got to hear of what’s happening in her current church, as well as what’s happening in her former church. In the current church they are, “between …

Religious but Godless

Recently I watched a TV program about the work of hospital chaplains as they minister to sick and dying people. This comment struck me: this isn’t about Catholic teaching or Jewish teaching, it is about what’s in the person themselves, making their own spirituality express itself in however that needs to be. Another comment: our chaplains …

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