This School Program is Satan-designed and Satan-energized!

Who would have thought the day would arrive here in Australia when parents of school children would be forced to call on the Federal and State Governments and Education Departments demanding them to defund and ban a program that exposes their children to sexually explicit adult content and concepts? Under the guise of “Anti-bullying” the program promotes pre-adulthood sexual …

The Spirit of Might not Mice

The old pastor told a business leader that he would like to meet with him and four or five of his colleagues. The business leader said he would like to do the same, but his colleagues were reluctant to do so, “they’re scared of you, they don’t want to sit in the same room with you.” The old …

They All Speak For Jesus … But Which Jesus?

I remember twenty-five years ago as a naive, young Christian, being very impressed with the pastor’s question, “What would you do if Jesus came to your home? Would you have to hide any books, magazines, videos, recorded music?” He asked the wrong question. Based on events and happenings that took place in his personal life just a few …

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