Grand Differences between Spiritually Born-again Christians and Everybody Else

What are some grand differences between spiritually born-again Christians and everybody else? We can only touch the surface on this subject, but let’s have a look. Grand difference number 1: We have  different spiritual F/fathers. Our Father is God, the Father of Truth. Everybody else’s father is Satan, the father of lies John 8:44. Their …

Faulty Concepts of Holiness

Quote: “The purpose of pleasing God, is basic to the purpose of avoiding sin. I say that because some Christians perceive their whole Christian life in terms of avoiding sin. Whereas according to the New Testament avoiding sin is a big thing, even bigger is the practice of rejoicing and hoping and thanking and pleasing …

Power and Blessing, Victory and Spiritual Freshness

Quote: “Power and blessing, victory and spiritual freshness are the portion of those who cleave to the Lord alone.” – H A Ironside. Therein lies the answer for anyone asking why Bible Christians will reject any philosophy or belief system that clashes with biblical revelation. They know if they embrace that which does clash with …

Take Christ Seriously and He will take You Seriously!

Question: Why is it of utmost importance that Christians quote Scriptures from the Bible when proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelieving people? Answer: We are speaking to dead people – spiritually dead people that is, who must become alive spiritually before they can properly understand what it is God is saying to them. Only …

The Spiritually Black-hearted

What’s one sign we are at the time of the end? What, the end of the world? No, the end of this age; what the Bible calls the end of the age of grace. What’s the sign? Increasing ridicule of the Bible: particularly that of the first eleven Chapters that speak to the 6-day Creation, …

A Common Christian-speak Question

A common Christian-speak question: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Going by the number of Google searches, it seems the question is still relevant to preachers and writers as it was when I was first challenged with it 30-plus years ago. But much has happened …

Illegitimate Guilt

I asked the Jehovah’s Witness man at my door, “How do you handle guilt?” Clearly taken aback with the question, he replied, “I don’t have any guilt?” I said, “Yes you do. Everyone has guilt; you’re no exception. What do you do with your guilt?” Religious or not, I like to ask people that question; …

Seeing the Sin in My Self-righteousness

“It’s one thing to see the sin in your sin but it’s something else to see the sin in your self-righteousness.” – John MacArthur.  “Amen,” is my response to his statement. Unless I see the sin in my self-righteousness I should not expect to be a very effective witness for the Lord Jesus to the unbelieving world. …

Hypocrites in the Church

“And now, my dear friends, let me counsel you. The grand thing the church needs at this time is God’s Holy Spirit.” – Charles H. Spurgeon. I wonder how many “amen”s he received from his people the morning he made that statement nearly 160 years ago. Not many, I suspect, for he was referring to the need …

Remember What We Were Like

In discussions with a Christian brother regarding these end times and the world’s increasing godlessness, he sometimes allows his frustrations to get the better of him. “Why can’t these people see it?” he asks. “Why are they so blind as to what’s going on in the world?” My response is not one he’s not heard numerous …

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