My God is Your God. My Bible is Your Bible.

When proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, there has always been the odd one or two to firmly let me know they are not interested in knowing about, “your God” or “your Bible.” Amazingly, such has even been expressed by church affiliated people! Who, “their god ” might be, they are not able …

The Law of the Jungle

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them Genesis 1:27.   Well, well, well! If you, like me, believe that to be true, you and I hold a belief now deemed by a judge of a British court to be, “incompatible with …

The Evolutionary Humanism “values” List

On her website, a Democratic Party nominee for District Attorney in Boston, USA, lists fifteen criminal offenses that she will decline to prosecute if she is elected. Her quote to a TV presenter: “We are spending too much time on petty crimes that are clogging up our system and costing us more money.” Some of …

Questioning the Value of Christian Survey Findings

For some time now I’ve been questioning the value of Christian survey findings carried out by National and International Research organizations. Examples: 54% of Christians believe……. 33% of Christians no longer believe…… Only 62% of Christians now believe…… The questions I ask these days when reading such headlines are: Who are they talking to? How …

The Garden’s Serpent

Pope Francis was recently reported as saying there is no hell. It’s a bogus, or “fake news” report as far as I can tell. However, it’s out there now and that is all most people need to confirm their own thoughts about the matter. Like all bogus reporting, the damage is done. Coupled with his statement …

Bring back the Fire and Brimstone Preachers!

“No fear of God! That’s the problem with the church today, brother.” So said the church man to me about 30 years ago. He expressed the word fear in the context of Christians giving little thought to the possibility of God’s judgment coming upon them for their on-going, non-confessed sinful attitudes and behavior, now that they’re, “in the Lord.” …

God-sent Strong Delusion

A 30’s something 5′ 9″ white male interviewed individually some US University students about how they view identity in America. His questions to each: “If I told you I was a woman ….. a Chinese woman….. a 7 year old…. 6′ 5″ tall, what would your response be?” For someone brought up in an era when mental …

Become a Delivery Boy; Become a Delivery Girl

When asked by His disciples why He spoke to the people in parables, Jesus’ response, as translated by JB Phillips New Testament has impressed me of late. This is why I speak to them in parables; because they go through life with their eyes open, but they see nothing, and with their ears open, but understand nothing of …

Eyes like a Flame of Fire

According to mainstream media, “Are you religious?” was the question each person was asked before dying at the hand of the demon-possessed shooter at Umpqua Community College, in Oregon, USA. Apparently the true question asked was, “Are you Christian?” Imagine the headlines had the question been, “Are you Muslim?” or, “Are you gay?” The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name …

Politicians, Leftist and Intellectual Chatterers

According to a recent survey here, the greatest concern for 69% of Australians is the increase of Islamic State atrocities. By comparison, only 37% show any concern about climate change. Rather interesting, I find. When listening to Politicians, Leftist and Intellectual chatterers, one can be forgiven for thinking it’s the other way round. It goes to …

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