Eyes like a Flame of Fire

According to mainstream media, “Are you religious?” was the question each person was asked before dying at the hand of the demon-possessed shooter at Umpqua Community College, in Oregon, USA. Apparently the true question asked was, “Are you Christian?” Imagine the headlines had the question been, “Are you Muslim?” or, “Are you gay?” The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name …

I learned to be on the alert for, “But…..”

Jesus tells us in the Matthew’s gospel that heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate. He says that the highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for multitudes to choose its easy way Matthew 7:13-14. I witnessed the confirmation of that truth numerous times every day when I was …

I’ve always remembered the advice mum gave me

Initial contact was made between us after both John and his wife Rebecca viewed a thought-provoking, thirty-second television message which asked questions about life after physical death. John phoned the church the morning after its presentation and asked if someone would come and visit with them for further discussions.  The day he phoned was Anzac Day …

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