Pay Attention to Logic not Fear

Quote: “As a human being we should pay attention to fear, not logic. Emotions are the only thing that are real in this world. Emotion is fact!  Emotion is real!” That was the response of a fear-driven, emotionally-driven 20’s-something young woman, “afraid of that hat.’” What hat? A “Keep America Great” hat or cap, worn …

Jesus Christ THE Solution to Anxiety

According to a former Google data scientist, Australians make more searches looking for help with anxiety than anyone else in the world. Apparently, whilst Australians don’t always confess their anxiety openly, they do confess this to Google. I Googled “anxiety” right now and it shows 380,000,000 results. How many of those represent Australians is anyone’s …

She was Plagued with Guilt

A young lady, having become a Christian recently, shared her deep regret on social media for having once terminated the life of her unborn child. “I was not a Christian back then and I believed the doctor when he told me the removal of the fetus was not the same as taking a human life. …

No wonder we’re Mocked and Ridiculed for our Beliefs

Why are Bible Christians mocked and ridiculed for their beliefs but people of other beliefs are not mocked or ridiculed for theirs? Answer: The Bible is the only Book to accurately reveal and proclaim the nature and character of Jesus Christ. We stand on that alone, thereby rejecting all extra-biblical writings and religious traditions. Why …

So Guess who’s Really Ruled by Fear?

As I understand it, fear rules the lives of many Christians throughout the Western world just as effectively as it does the lives of unbelievers. But the question is, why? How can this be when the Scripture tells us, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound …

No Fear of God

Whether they’re Christians or not, ask most mature-minded people to give you reasons for the deteriorating state of human attitudes and behavior in society today and you will be given a variety of them. They’ll be correct too for a large part, but it will be a rare one who tells you it’s because, There is …

Bring back the Fire and Brimstone Preachers!

“No fear of God! That’s the problem with the church today, brother.” So said the church man to me about 30 years ago. He expressed the word fear in the context of Christians giving little thought to the possibility of God’s judgment coming upon them for their on-going, non-confessed sinful attitudes and behavior, now that they’re, “in the Lord.” …

Jesus Came to Do Away with Religious Systems

Since coming to office in 2013, Pope Francis has made a few statements that must be classed as anti-biblical. Each time it’s happened, his minders have quickly come to his aid saying he’s been misquoted. They have not come to his aid this time with the following statement however, because they and he believe it …

Dare to Sit Down and Face Reality

Decades ago in his sermon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones told his church, “This is an age of bewilderment, uncertainty and an age of fear.” He said, “The commonest way to show fear is to indulge in a riot of pleasure. It is nothing but a terrible spirit of fear and bewilderment.” More. “It’s pure escapism – …

People who only Want to Know a Little Bit about God

The mother of a young school child expressed indignation at the school’s decision to do away with Christmas celebrations this year. “However,” she said, “We are all encouraged to gather and enjoy a halal sausage and salad together.” Muslim children in attendance there are (at this stage) as few as any others of a non-Christian religion, so the mother was …

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