Misguided Religious People

Referring to misguided religious people trying to earn their way to heaven, John MacArthur says, “They think God is less righteous than He is and they think they are more righteous than they are.” What a statement! It fits perfectly with the misguided religious people I’ve encountered of which there have been literally hundreds in nearly thirty-two years since becoming a …

Christians (so-called)

Pope Francis released a video recently, calling for people of all religions to work together for peace. Predictably, interfaith unity is his way of seeing it come to pass, not faith in the Prince of Peace Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ Isaiah 9:6. His video features a Jewish Rabbi, “I believe in God,” a Muslim leader, “I …

Jesus Came to Do Away with Religious Systems

Since coming to office in 2013, Pope Francis has made a few statements that must be classed as anti-biblical. Each time it’s happened, his minders have quickly come to his aid saying he’s been misquoted. They have not come to his aid this time with the following statement however, because they and he believe it …

He Made Lots Of “sounds good, feels good” Statements

I see Pope Francis recently sent a You Tube message to one of America’s prominent Charismatic leaders via an Anglican bishop saying that Charismatics and Catholics must unite. It is not the message of the Pope that concerns me here; it is the message of the bishop. He spoke to hundreds of Charismatics attending a conference …

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