Moral Goodness is Not Enough in The Eyes of God

Question: Why is it that people take delight in attacking born again Christians who openly declare their stand for Jesus Christ? Answer: The Holy Spirit of God convicts them that they are not right before Him. That’s right! Deny it as they most certainly will, that is the primary reason. In reality however, it is …

Misguided Religious People

Referring to misguided religious people trying to earn their way to heaven, John MacArthur says, “They think God is less righteous than He is and they think they are more righteous than they are.” What a statement! It fits perfectly with the misguided religious people I’ve encountered of which there have been literally hundreds in nearly thirty-two years since becoming a …

Religious, not Righteous

In reference to the ‘Yes’ win in Ireland’s same-sex marriage referendum, one man posted on Twitter, a photograph of a rainbow over the city of Dublin with the comment, “There’s a rainbow over Dublin currently. Very appropriate. God clearly approves.” The god of his creation clearly approves; the God of all Creation clearly does not. That rainbow is …

Self-righteousness Is Not Righteousness

A well known entertainer was asked about his faith in God and whilst he spoke about Jesus as Lord and Redeemer, when asked if he was going to heaven, his reply was, “I hope so.” Given that he sometimes sang about God and that he was of the Protestant persuasion rather than Roman Catholic, I was surprised to hear …

A Great Curse of Society

What is it about a person who thinks nothing of swearing and blaspheming the name of Jesus Christ in the company of born again Christians but who wouldn’t dare do so in the company of a priest or a nun?  I have experienced this many times over the years since turning to the Lord. In …

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