Expressing Contempt for the Bible

A transgender member of the Church of England, who was born and baptized female but now identifying as male, approached the local Reverend seeking to be re-baptized. If the report is true, the Reverend thought it a good idea and acted on it. “We created a service, which was an affirmation of baptismal vows where we could …

Self-righteousness Is Not Righteousness

A well known entertainer was asked about his faith in God and whilst he spoke about Jesus as Lord and Redeemer, when asked if he was going to heaven, his reply was, “I hope so.” Given that he sometimes sang about God and that he was of the Protestant persuasion rather than Roman Catholic, I was surprised to hear …

Religious but Godless

Recently I watched a TV program about the work of hospital chaplains as they minister to sick and dying people. This comment struck me: this isn’t about Catholic teaching or Jewish teaching, it is about what’s in the person themselves, making their own spirituality express itself in however that needs to be. Another comment: our chaplains …

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