What’s Missing from Christianity?

Just before he was about to preach his message, a Christian man shared how he had been rushing to get to the service.  In relation to the near 200 kilometer drive, he said, “I set the cruise control on my car at 120 kph, ran a couple of lights, but I made it in time.”   In the group, it …

He Needs to Know we Know he Knows

I saw an ad on a TV Channel recently, promoting a forth-coming film/documentary and in his script I heard the voice-over man speak of, “the mythical history of human origin as presented in Genesis.”  It took me back to my days on the streets as a gospel messenger.  Not too many of those days would …

Muddled & Confused

I typed the search term “end times” into Google the other day and it came back with a result of 5,250,000 over 79 pages. Whatever else those figures tell us, it shows that millions of people all over the world have some interest in this subject.  Next, I typed in the search term “end times prophecy” and it …

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