A Dress Rehearsal

In relation to the current world-wide coronavirus pandemic, a Christian pastor on You Tube said recently, “This is a dress rehearsal for what is coming.” What did he mean? Was he saying there’s another one of greater intensity following on the heels this of one? Not particularly, he was referring to what is to come …

If you’re in Christ you’re an Overcomer

As the beheadings, bombings, shootings and slaughters of all kinds continue upon our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East and elsewhere, many Christians in the West see these things headed our way so they’re now wondering if we’ve entered the period known in the Book of Revelation as the Great Tribulation. Others say we have entered it, …

Muddled & Confused

I typed the search term “end times” into Google the other day and it came back with a result of 5,250,000 over 79 pages. Whatever else those figures tell us, it shows that millions of people all over the world have some interest in this subject.  Next, I typed in the search term “end times prophecy” and it …

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