The Do-gooders Are Seduced

In viewing an old video the other day, the Christian lecturer was explaining ‘evil’ to his audience.  He told them that the most dangerous evils in the world are presented to us in, “very pleasant shapes.”  Saying too, that many advocates of such are, “very pleasant people, as people.”  He gave the example of the do-gooder, who, “only wants to do good to you, whether you want …

How Do I know Satan Is Delusional?

In my post What is Satan Like? I listed some of the characteristics that make up his nature, but I omitted to mention delusional.  How do I know Satan is delusional?  It’s easy really, that’s what he accuses born again, Holy Spirit-led, Jesus Christ centered, Bible-based Christians of being.  In other words, that of which he accuses us, that he is …

What is Satan Like?

For a while now I’ve been intrigued by the practices of young people with their cell phones – especially when using them for texting or reading messages rather than speaking.  Almost daily I observe this practice with secondary college students walking to school, but the other morning I was able to get up close (not too personal!) and observe about ten …

The Great Regret

Some time ago here in Melbourne, a priest held a funeral service for a petty criminal who was also known by the priest and many friends to be an atheist.  In his eulogy the priest spoke about the man and his meeting with God.  Someone later said, “But Father, he didn’t believe in God.”  The priest replied, “Well …

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