How Do I know Satan Is Delusional?

In my post What is Satan Like? I listed some of the characteristics that make up his nature, but I omitted to mention delusional.  How do I know Satan is delusional?  It’s easy really, that’s what he accuses born again, Holy Spirit-led, Jesus Christ centered, Bible-based Christians of being.  In other words, that of which he accuses us, that he is himself.  When he witnessed Jesus Christ die on the cross he thought it was all over for Jesus and just the beginning for him.  What a shock it must have been three days later to learn of the Lord’s resurrection. Such a shock it was for him that he’s not stopped denying it since.  How delusional!  

So delusional is Satan, he is incapable of expressing any form of reality.  He knows what’s real, he simply has no ability to operate in that realm and because of that he’s made it his goal to keep unredeemed humanity delusional as well.  Satan is not known in the Scriptures as the god of this world (age) who blinds the minds of all who do not believe, for nothing 2 Corinthians 4:4.  One reason God put it there is to show us that unlike Satan, we are still blessed with choices.  In other words, human beings can choose to live a delusional life or, they can choose not to.  How sad it is to observe for 27 years now that most people choose to be delusional. ‘Delusional disorder’ says the psychiatrist to his patient … well it didn’t start out that way.

The Dictionary tells us delusional means: ‘having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions’.  The world is full of such people – including those who pride themselves on being academically clever and intelligent, artistically gifted and talented, politically astute and influential and spiritually awakened and enlightened. I was reminded again of this when reading a statement supposedly made by the daughter of a well known singer, recently deceased, “She’s always with me; Her spirit is strong, it’s a strong spirit. I feel her pass through me all the time.”  All understanding of sadness, heartbreak and grieving aside, one must still ask, “Where’s the evidence?” Usually such things are said on the basis of feelings and emotions, but sadly, these too are the devil’s playground.

Someone reading this says, “How heartless and insensitive you are!  Where’s your love and compassion for such people?”  They’re in the same place as the Lord Jesus Christ -the place of reality.  Countless times over the years people have told me of their departed loved ones, ‘mum is watching over me’ ‘dad is with me still, he’s never really left’ ‘I pray to mum every night’ ‘my sister is now my guardian angel in heaven’.  And my response has always had to be something like, “based on what we know from the Scriptures, there is no sound evidence that this is so. The sound evidence that we do have is our body returns to the earth and our spirit goes back to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7.

One can claim to have all the love and compassion in the world but if these don’t sit alongside truth then it’s not love and compassion it is only the appearance of so – a delusion in fact. A religious man told me of his experience during a recent severe earthquake.  He had two statues on a table, one of Jesus and the other of Mary.  The house shook violently for 40 seconds or more, the statue of Jesus fell to the floor and broke off at the neck.  He repaired it with glue and put it back on the table.  When sharing the whole deal with me he said, “You see, Roger, Jesus took the damage that the house should have taken.”  He firmly believes it, but when I asked him for some evidence, he had none to produce … only an opinion – based on feelings and emotions.

One of the reasons God has told us not to revere statues is because they create faulty concepts of Him in the mind.  This was the situation here.  I asked the man for Scriptural knowledge of Jesus, but he could only parrot that of his church – a mere 14 words at the expense of thousands of others.  That’s not real in anybody’s language – therefore, it’s delusional.  Based on Scriptural revelation, I have no doubt that the Lord’s hand was upon the man and his home and it certainly is a time too give Him all the honor and glory … but that can only ever be done in spirit and in truth John 4:23-24; anything less is dishonoring to Him.  But praise God too, for the few hours he was with me he read heaps of Scripture!

As I look around the church today, the most delusional of all within are the leaders … those who don’t want God in their churches – and most of them don’t! They’re quite happy to have the Bible in hand as they speak though.  In fact they need it!  Just like the baby needs its dummy, the toddler needs its security blanket, the drunk needs his booze, the druggie needs his crack, the sex pervert needs his porno; these devils in the pulpits need their Bibles … they’re nothing without them and they know it. What more convincing way does he/she have of spewing a doctrine from hell onto the people than to hold up the Bible and say, “The Bible says…….” Well may they sow the wind today, because tomorrow they’re going to reap the whirlwind Hosea 8:7.        

On a “social” media forum the other day I was reading the comments of someone who claimed God is outdated and that religion and spirituality are leftovers from a time when things were unexplainable.  There were hundreds of responses in agreeance but they all boiled down to one issue, the need to discover the answers to “these things” for ourselves rather than seek answers from an “outdated book”.  How delusional!  That “outdated book” is the only one in all the world to accurately predict that these very same people worship themselves as god! It all started in the Garden Genesis 3:5.  It is also the only book that gives accurate description of the nature and character of such people 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

Carl Marx was delusional.  What did/does that make his millions of committed followers?  Delusional!  Vladimar Lenin, Joseph Stalin and all that crowd … all delusional!  Not so perhaps, the multitudes living under their oppression.  I’ve known many who once lived under it and they have nothing but pity for those who haven’t, but yet advocate for it.  Adolf Hitler was a different story.  Delusional was he, delusional were most of the German people under his tyrannical rule … a people who should have known better but because they’d long years before cast Jesus Christ out of their churches, the ground they now stood on was nothing but sand Matthew 7:26. One pays the highest price when one casts Christ away.

God sees to it that this is so.  In those days Satan ruled Hitler, but God ruled Satan … He always does!  And for this reason (no love for truth that they might be saved) God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned (damned) who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. Hitler believed the German people “must be mislead if the support of the masses is required.”  Unlike Lenin and Stalin, however, he didn’t stomp on the masses nor starve them into submission; he gave them their heart’s desire.  He revived a collapsed economy, he put the people back to work giving secure jobs, he produced an affordable motor car and gave them very attractive holidays.

More. Hitler brought crime under control and gave the people a reason to believe in themselves again as a nation. He told them that the kingdom or empire he was building would last for a thousand years.  Very few were there who did not buy that lie … there were not many who stopped to question him.  Those who did so got shut down, shut out or snuffed out very smartly! So delusional had the majority become in just a few short years that by the time they realized what Hitler was giving in one hand he was taking away with the other – namely, their God-given human rights and dignity – it was all too late.  What followed became the greatest bloodbath in history with around 50 million deaths.

As a kid growing up in the fifties nobody had anything but hatred and disdain for Nazism and Communism … but how things have changed in time. Both are called Socialism today and the ignorant, gullible delusional masses are gunning for it desperately. There’s only one Stumbling Block in its path stopping it from spreading its evil tentacles all around the world and His name is Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible! We who are His disciples are Christ ones. But now, in the eyes of these same ignorant, gullible delusional masses it is we who are looked upon and spoken about with hatred and disdain.  It is we who are looked upon as delusional.  Nobody but a devil’s child could come up with such insanity!

At some point in the future Jesus Christ will remove (rapture) His holy people and His Holy Spirit from the world.  When that happens, all godly restraint upon the delusional left on the earth will be lifted. Which means? All hell will break lose!  The spirit of lawlessness will be released and the true heart of each delusional person will fully and freely be expressed just as the most evil of people expressed theirs during the reign of Lenin, Stalin and Hitler.  And all the delusional not so evil will not know what struck them. They and their families will be tormented and tortured, victimized and violated, bashed and beaten, raped and ravaged.  Doors and windows will be kicked in, people will be dragged from their beds, furniture smashed and homes torched.

No God around means devil all around!  If we think those riots of London last year were bad, then imagine that and one hundred times worse going on in communities, towns and cities of every country – all at the same time.  And no police force, military force, jail or FEMA camp will be able to restrain anyone until lots of people get cut up or shot up. Worse! God will then release the fully Satan-possessed Socialist Savior known biblically as the man of sin, son of perdition, lawless one onto the scene who will tell the delusional that he is God Incarnate and will demand their worship. When they witness his all power, signs and lying wonders 2 Thessalonians 2:9 the majority will be glad to.

Those no longer delusional who refuse to bow to him in that day, will be be-headed. He’s going to make Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse-tung and all the rest of them combined down through history look like Sunday School teachers by comparison. Billions of people will die during this man’s rule. Evidence? It’s in the Bible, particularly in New Testament Revelation of Jesus Christ, spoken numerous times of as the wrath of God – or, the judgment of God upon the delusional. Somebody says, “Get a life!” Indeed.  Get the life of Christ while your at it. “Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, ‘Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.” Revelation 16:1. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved….” Acts 16:31.     

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. “…Billions of people will die during this man’s rule…”

    Deceptions last until the faith for the deception is used up. So, when people are being slaughtered, all faith in the deception will be gone. Period.

  2. Thank you, Roger, for sharing His truth here. I can see the delusional aspect at work everyday. I just never thought of it quite this way and how it gets turned around and said of someone who believes in Jesus. The friend I have in Jerusalem often shares about what is really going on vs. what is being reported, because of this same aspect. Praying for the release of many from delusion into His marvelous light! God bless you as you stay in His truth!

    1. Hi Debbie … Thank you. You’re Jerusalem friend is right. Every Israeli can tell us what our emasculated Western Media will not. Satan’s plan … first the Jews, then the born-again Christians (there is no other kind), then the rest of the world – including the Media!. Lots to pray for. Bless you all.


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