The Church has Silenced Itself! Time to Speak Up!

Quote: “The devil has no authority over us other than that which we give him.” Whether it be preached from church pulpits or declared in home Bible studies, Christians have been listening to that statement, or similar, for decades. And for the last 30-plus years that I have heard it, “Amen,” has always been the …

Blast “modern Christianity” back to the Pit of Hell

Quote: “…..much of what is called Christianity today is not the Christianity of the New Testament; it is distinctly different…… Jesus is not the fountainhead of modern Christianity. He is scarcely thought about. Christian preachers, Sunday School teachers, religious books, all without any apology patronize Jesus Christ and put Him on one side. We have to …

A Common Christian-speak Question

A common Christian-speak question: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Going by the number of Google searches, it seems the question is still relevant to preachers and writers as it was when I was first challenged with it 30-plus years ago. But much has happened …

Violating the 9th Commandment is Unwise

Accusations of engaging in child sex have recently been made against some very high profile Australian and American men, some living, some dead – and some Christians! Not a few Christians are shocked to discover this. “Is this true?” they ask. “This is shocking!” My response: It is shocking if it’s true; but who knows …

Jesus Christ THE Solution to Anxiety

According to a former Google data scientist, Australians make more searches looking for help with anxiety than anyone else in the world. Apparently, whilst Australians don’t always confess their anxiety openly, they do confess this to Google. I Googled “anxiety” right now and it shows 380,000,000 results. How many of those represent Australians is anyone’s …

The “too simple” Gospel Message of Jesus Christ

Question: Why don’t people believe the gospel message of Jesus Christ? One answer only, today: It’s too simple. Did I get that answer from a book? Not at all. I got it (and get it) as a response to my sharing it with people. A common response: “There has got to be more to it …

She was Plagued with Guilt

A young lady, having become a Christian recently, shared her deep regret on social media for having once terminated the life of her unborn child. “I was not a Christian back then and I believed the doctor when he told me the removal of the fetus was not the same as taking a human life. …

What Happens when One ceases Running from Christ?

Question: What happens when one ceases running from Christ and humbly surrenders to Him instead? Answer: One discovers Christ is their Friend, not an enemy. He or she discovers self is the enemy, not Christ. One discovers self-centeredness is death, Christ-centeredness is life. One discovers the love Christ grants him or her replaces all fear …

The Evolutionary Humanism “values” List

On her website, a Democratic Party nominee for District Attorney in Boston, USA, lists fifteen criminal offenses that she will decline to prosecute if she is elected. Her quote to a TV presenter: “We are spending too much time on petty crimes that are clogging up our system and costing us more money.” Some of …

What happens When the Church Turns its Back on God?

Question: What happens when the Church turns its back on God? Answer No 1. It violates the 1st Commandment of God, You shall have no other gods before Me Exodus 20:2. That’s rebellion. Answer No 2. It violates the 2nd Commandment of God, You shall not make for yourself any carved image Exodus 20:4. Carved into …

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