What Happens when One ceases Running from Christ?

Question: What happens when one ceases running from Christ and humbly surrenders to Him instead? Answer: One discovers Christ is their Friend, not an enemy. He or she discovers self is the enemy, not Christ. One discovers self-centeredness is death, Christ-centeredness is life. One discovers the love Christ grants him or her replaces all fear …

There is a Church that has Not let us Down

In a Television discussion devoted to religion, marriage and euthanasia, a prominent ex-politician told the audience she was disappointed in all of the churches. She said, “they have let us down in a whole variety of ways but, there is a place for someone, certainly other than the state and certainly other than just Rafferty’s Rules (no rules), …

This Make You Mad?

Reading some quotes of English writer Aldous Huxley on the Internet recently, this one grabbed my attention, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” Amen! Since becoming a Christian in 1985, multitudes of times I have found Mr Huxley’s statement to be every bit as true as Jesus’ statement, You shall know the truth …

Jesus is God, God is Jesus!

A young man came to give me a quote on a new home appliance recently and as I was signing the contract he asked what my background was in relation to work. When there’s time to sit and talk I usually share some of my experiences, but that day there was no time to sit and therefore, …

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