My God is Your God. My Bible is Your Bible.

When proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, there has always been the odd one or two to firmly let me know they are not interested in knowing about, “your God” or “your Bible.” Amazingly, such has even been expressed by church affiliated people! Who, “their god ” might be, they are not able …

What Happens when One ceases Running from Christ?

Question: What happens when one ceases running from Christ and humbly surrenders to Him instead? Answer: One discovers Christ is their Friend, not an enemy. He or she discovers self is the enemy, not Christ. One discovers self-centeredness is death, Christ-centeredness is life. One discovers the love Christ grants him or her replaces all fear …

Get Released from Hatred

A common question, “Why is there so much hatred in the world?” A common statement, “I’ve never seen hatred on a scale such as this.” The Bible alone gives the answer and the explanation. The scale of hatred such as we’re seeing it, is one of the evidences that we’re living in the end times. It takes a while, …

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