My God is Your God. My Bible is Your Bible.

When proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, there has always been the odd one or two to firmly let me know they are not interested in knowing about, “your God” or “your Bible.” Amazingly, such has even been expressed by church affiliated people! Who, “their god ” might be, they are not able …

Don’t Unhitch the Old Testament from Your Faith

I see a popular US preacher got himself into hot water with fellow Christians on social media recently, saying Christians need to, “unhitch the Old Testament from their faith.” It would be wrong to judge him on that statement without knowing the full context in which he said this, but it seems that is exactly what …

Ignorance, Arrogance and Apathy

As I understand it, pinpoint accuracy and safety in space travel is due entirely to the humble submission of space scientists to the fixed, physical laws operating in the universe. They bow to those laws, knowing them to be inviolable, unalterable and absolute. These scientists know everything in the entire created universe operates on such …

Talker or Maker – Which One for You?

Informing me that he had a mind of his own, “therefore I can reason things out for myself,” the University student shared his views as to why he believed the Bible to be not only, “irrelevant in this age of modern science,” but also why those who do believe in it, “don’t have a mind of …

Political Correctness is the Bastard Child of isms

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.” True with the first part, false with the second part! “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Same again – true and false! These old adages may have been effective restraints upon people when written back in the 1860’s, when society’s values …

Looters in Business Suits

The old man learned that one or two of his farm neighbors had their homes looted during some recent floods. It was sad to see the surprised and bewildered expression on his face as he said to the news reporter, “Oh ya can’t do that. That’s not right.” In his late seventies, he was a man who lives by …

It Lacks a Man like Sir Winston Churchill

Over the Christmas and New Year break I was greatly blessed to read a biography written well over sixty years ago on the life and work of British politician and statesman Sir Winston Churchill. I was also greatly blessed to discover the biographer to be a man of humility, honesty and integrity. Originally he had made it his aim …

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