Ignorance, Arrogance and Apathy

As I understand it, pinpoint accuracy and safety in space travel is due entirely to the humble submission of space scientists to the fixed, physical laws operating in the universe. They bow to those laws, knowing them to be inviolable, unalterable and absolute. These scientists know everything in the entire created universe operates on such …

Children in Adult Bodies

Well, since the election of the new USA President three weeks ago, we’ve certainly evidenced the negative side of the truth, “Give me a child until he/she has reached the age of seven and I will give you the man (person).” Roman Catholic hierarchy has successfully practiced this for hundreds of years of course, as has Communist /Marxist/Socialist …

The Power

Years ago as a new Christian, preachers often told us the church had lost its power. Unbelief or lack of faith was the suggested problem back then. Today as I look at the Western church, it seems that lots of people within don’t know there is such a power to lose! To me that suggests ignorance is …

Dump All From the Religious Spirit

In reference to her current job, a lady told me the other day that she had regretted not seeking fuller clarification during the interview, as to the meaning of certain words and phrases communicated to her by the job interviewer, regarding her job function. It brought to mind a favorite expression used by the communication gurus, “Say what …

Dumb & Ignorant Statements

In the United States a young boy had a near-death experience and testifies of having visited heaven.  He says he met the Lord Jesus there.  His testimony landed him a book deal, it’s now published and has become a best-seller.  In her introduction to the interview with him and his parents, the television presenter said, …

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