Uncountable Tyrants Rule the Day

A young man once told me he believed the gospel of Jesus Christ to be true. When asking if he wanted to take advantage of it by surrendering his life to the Lord he declined saying, “It would mean I have to change my life.” After listening to responses containing all sorts of objections, justifications and excuses, his response was, in …

Dumb & Ignorant Statements

In the United States a young boy had a near-death experience and testifies of having visited heaven.  He says he met the Lord Jesus there.  His testimony landed him a book deal, it’s now published and has become a best-seller.  In her introduction to the interview with him and his parents, the television presenter said, …

A Man one Step from God

A Roman Catholic man was giving an interview recently on television, in relation to his one-time parish priest.  The priest was always thought of as the family’s spiritual leader, adviser and friend – never the sexual, pedophilic predator he turned out to be.  Asked for his opinion on the priest now that he had been …

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