Dumb & Ignorant Statements

In the United States a young boy had a near-death experience and testifies of having visited heaven.  He says he met the Lord Jesus there.  His testimony landed him a book deal, it’s now published and has become a best-seller.  In her introduction to the interview with him and his parents, the television presenter said, …

What’s Missing from Christianity?

Just before he was about to preach his message, a Christian man shared how he had been rushing to get to the service.  In relation to the near 200 kilometer drive, he said, “I set the cruise control on my car at 120 kph, ran a couple of lights, but I made it in time.”   In the group, it …

The Natural is Out the Supernatural is In

Over the years since becoming a Christian, more than once have I heard a fellow believer speak in glowing terms over the personality and talents, gifts or abilities of certain  unbelieving people and then say something like, “It’s such a pity that he (or she) is not in Christ.  He (or she) would make a lovely Christian.”  When asked why, the responses …

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