Observable Evidence the Bible is God’s Inspired Word

What is some observable evidence the Bible is God’s inspired word? Answer: The reactions one receives from most people when one proclaims its Scriptures. For some there will be feelings of discomfort; they’ll change the subject. For others, there will be feelings of anger but they’ll keep it under wraps, dismissing you in the process. Not only will some have feelings …

Churches That Have a High Rotation of Pastors

As a matter of curiosity, I checked out the website of a church in my community the other day and was amazed to discover that since its inception sixty-six years ago it has had twenty-three pastors.  That averages out at one pastor every 2.86 years! Four pastors look to have been there for four years, …

The Natural is Out the Supernatural is In

Over the years since becoming a Christian, more than once have I heard a fellow believer speak in glowing terms over the personality and talents, gifts or abilities of certain  unbelieving people and then say something like, “It’s such a pity that he (or she) is not in Christ.  He (or she) would make a lovely Christian.”  When asked why, the responses …

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