Observable Evidence the Bible is God’s Inspired Word

What is some observable evidence the Bible is God’s inspired word? Answer: The reactions one receives from most people when one proclaims its Scriptures. For some there will be feelings of discomfort; they’ll change the subject. For others, there will be feelings of anger but they’ll keep it under wraps, dismissing you in the process. Not only will some have feelings …

I Don’t Believe they Don’t Believe in God

For the past couple of years or so, I’ve been noting comments made by the same few people on one particular “social” media forum who say they don’t believe in God and religion. When a new discussion thread comes up about either one, they can always be relied upon to turn up like clockwork and express an opinion. Sadly …

It’s just not fair!

The moment I mentioned that I was from a local church, Mrs Stark expressed immediate anger.  Standing in her doorway she told me in no uncertain terms that she was not interested in God or, “any of you people who say you believe in Him!”  Not only was this the voice of an angry woman but more …

Tell me the difference between you both

During my time of street ministry I observed there to be no other organization so rigorously committed to systematic door to door visitations than that of the Jehovah Witnesses.  So organized and effective were they in their work in the three and a half years I was out there, they put the rest of us to shame.  And, …

Don’t talk to me about a loving God!

One day a young married mother-to-be came to the door and she had one of the most tragic stories I have ever heard since doing this work.  Upon introducing myself and explaining the purpose of the visit, a fierce anger came into her eyes and flashed across her face and she told me I was wasting my time …

Different Gospel responses from all kinds of people

Many people I met with were more than aware of their lack of knowledge of God and as such were embarrassed.  Others felt guilty.  For a lot of them the embarrassment and guilt set in when their children and grandchildren began to ask them questions about where they (the children) came from, how they were born, the creation of  animals, flowers and the …

Guilt, Confusion, Fear, Anger……..

As a messenger of the gospel of Jesus Christ working in one of Melbourne’s middle-class suburbs, I learned to discern very quickly the plight of so many individual people.  Guilt, fear, confusion, worry, anger, anxiety, hurts, bitterness etc – if these were not verbally expressed, then they’d be written on their faces and if not on their faces it would show up in …

Not always smooth sailing out there

Being a street minister for the gospel of Jesus Christ is not easy work.  In four or five hours of any one day I would meet a variety of people and I never knew what to expect from any one them.  Some were warm and welcoming to Christ’s gospel message, others were indifferent to it and still others …

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