God’s Last Resort Language

Over the past twenty-five years a mother has suffered the loss of three sons. Now ninety-three years of age, she wants to know what she did wrong. When family members tell her it’s not her fault she cannot accept it. Another mother suffered the loss of three sons within ten years. In her eighties when I meet her, …

I asked him to name the one desire of his life

My church received a phone call one afternoon from a lady, wanting to know if there was someone who would sit and talk with her brother, who was a drug addict.  She said he was living with herself and her husband but the situation was becoming increasingly problematic for them all.  Apparently he was on …

It’s just not fair!

The moment I mentioned that I was from a local church, Mrs Stark expressed immediate anger.  Standing in her doorway she told me in no uncertain terms that she was not interested in God or, “any of you people who say you believe in Him!”  Not only was this the voice of an angry woman but more …

She always felt she was to blame

The old lady told me her name was Mrs Ashby.  She stood in her doorway one mid-morning wearing a dirty old nightgown, looking as though she was carrying all the troubles of the world upon her shoulders.  I asked her what the matter was and she said it had to do with lumps in her breast which …

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