Those Who Confront the Authority of God

In reference to Church history, the late Derek Prince said, “Wherever Satan has persuaded theologians and ministers to question Scripture he has always brought them to the point where they actually deny it.” How does it work? First they question Scripture, then they doubt Scripture, then they disbelieve Scripture, then they disobey Scripture. From this pattern, Satan …

Tell God

Like many young boys of my era growing up, I smoked my first full cigarette at around ten years of age and I loved it. By the time I was fifteen they were very much part of my life and remained so until I was almost forty.  Especially did I love them when drinking alcohol.   Just a …

The progressive order

Mrs Sullivan was in her early thirties and she told me she was on her second marriage, “which is heading the same way as the first.”  She said she had a bad temper and suffered lots of guilt and fears.  She was also grossly overweight – obese.  She knew about the message I was proclaiming.  When she was a …

I have to have time to make the choice

The first time I met Len he spoke inside behind his security door for ten minutes, then he stepped out from the door onto the porch and we spoke for another ten minutes or so, then he called for his wife May to come and meet me.  May was very happy that this event was taking place …

She always felt she was to blame

The old lady told me her name was Mrs Ashby.  She stood in her doorway one mid-morning wearing a dirty old nightgown, looking as though she was carrying all the troubles of the world upon her shoulders.  I asked her what the matter was and she said it had to do with lumps in her breast which …

Deep sadness in their lives

From the street, the home and property looked interesting. The garden was slightly over grown, the weather-board house looked to be in need of painting and maintenance in comparison to the one attached to it and I could see numerous bird cages in the closed-in veranda.  The front door was open so I opened the …

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