Religious but Godless

Recently I watched a TV program about the work of hospital chaplains as they minister to sick and dying people. This comment struck me: this isn’t about Catholic teaching or Jewish teaching, it is about what’s in the person themselves, making their own spirituality express itself in however that needs to be. Another comment: our chaplains …

God Kills Us Off … He Executes Us!

I recently read an article on guilt, written by a popular leader of a church here in Melbourne.  The sub-heading read: For many of us, a church and the symbols of religion merely remind us of where not to venture.  A smaller heading within the article: Guilt and Religion have long been bedfellows.  It is time to …

The progressive order

Mrs Sullivan was in her early thirties and she told me she was on her second marriage, “which is heading the same way as the first.”  She said she had a bad temper and suffered lots of guilt and fears.  She was also grossly overweight – obese.  She knew about the message I was proclaiming.  When she was a …

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