God Does Not Possess a, “You owe Me,” Mentality

A glorious truth from God for all spiritually born-again Christians and anyone desiring to become one: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast Ephesians 2:8-9. In addition, a glorious truth in relation to this from a …

The Deceiving Religious Spirit

I thank God for His mercy in revealing from Bible Scripture, signs this present age is winding down: wars, rumors of wars, against nations, governments against governments, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. True, they’ve all been around for a very long time, but not on the scale we’re now witnessing them across the globe. One sign …

Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not

People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …

God Kills Us Off … He Executes Us!

I recently read an article on guilt, written by a popular leader of a church here in Melbourne.  The sub-heading read: For many of us, a church and the symbols of religion merely remind us of where not to venture.  A smaller heading within the article: Guilt and Religion have long been bedfellows.  It is time to …

The Natural is Out the Supernatural is In

Over the years since becoming a Christian, more than once have I heard a fellow believer speak in glowing terms over the personality and talents, gifts or abilities of certain  unbelieving people and then say something like, “It’s such a pity that he (or she) is not in Christ.  He (or she) would make a lovely Christian.”  When asked why, the responses …

The Lord Said, “No, one Program.”

Back in the days when I first represented my (then) local church as a messenger of the gospel in the community, little did I know that it was also God’s intention to use those experiences as a training ground for a forthcoming radio broadcasting ministry.  I had been on the streets for nearly eighteen months …

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