Don’t let Satan Slap them Around!

All hell broke loose in London a few weeks ago when an historic Anglican church there hosted a fashion show featuring satanic designs. Against a backdrop of large Illuminati and Masonic images placed in front of the altar, heavily made-up models strutted themselves dressed as devils and vampires wearing horns and upside-down crosses. “Blasphemous!” was …

Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not

People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …

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