People who only Want to Know a Little Bit about God

The mother of a young school child expressed indignation at the school’s decision to do away with Christmas celebrations this year. “However,” she said, “We are all encouraged to gather and enjoy a halal sausage and salad together.” Muslim children in attendance there are (at this stage) as few as any others of a non-Christian religion, so the mother was …

The Reprobate Mind

Bible Christians in the Western world are soon to come under intense persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. In Europe, Canada and the USA, pastors and chaplains are being persecuted and prosecuted for praying publicly, “in the name of Jesus.” That’s not happening here in Australia yet, but given that this nation is a follower …

The Chief of All Sins

I’ve been thinking about the chief of all sins of late. It is the rejection of Jesus Christ – unbelief. Not rejection of Him by those in the unbelieving world, but rather, by those in the church. The greatest sin we have in the church today is unbelief. For surely this is happening when men and women within …

Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not

People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …

Now That’s Power!

The pastor told a few men in his church that if they wanted the power of God, the quickest way to get it was to undertake a six week fast, which is what he once did. The men were impressed; in his ministry they saw he had the power. As well as being an excellent expository preacher and teacher, he regularly …

Muddled & Confused

I typed the search term “end times” into Google the other day and it came back with a result of 5,250,000 over 79 pages. Whatever else those figures tell us, it shows that millions of people all over the world have some interest in this subject.  Next, I typed in the search term “end times prophecy” and it …

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