Dead Men Walking

Increasingly of late I’m noticing expressions of exasperation from fellow Christians with regards corrupt and perverted ideologies and practices eating away like cancers in Western Society. “Don’t these people get it?” That’s the cry from among some. Answer: No, they don’t “get it.” If they “got it” it would not be happening. As Christians, we must come …

Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not

People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …

There’s No Other Road to Happiness and Fulfillment

I was in the company of two unhappy, unfulfilled women recently, one in her late sixties and the other in her early twenties. The older woman hates the Jews, the younger one dishonors her mother. As a result, both women are giving witness to the truth declared in the Bible that they are under a curse. I will bless those who bless you and I …

The Greatest Fool of All

Twenty-five years ago a musician friend of mine used to take great delight in mocking me with sarcastic remarks about my stand for the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was a non-practicing Roman Catholic who believed himself to be free from all religious restraints.  And although his life-style gave the impression that his belief was true, it was not true.  He had certainly …

I Felt the Presence of the Lord Powerfully

The moment I first experienced the reality and power of the Lord Jesus Christ in my life I knew that He was nothing at all like the Jesus I had imagined for over thirty years.  Until that encounter, the Jesus of my imagination was very religious, joyless, still suffering for my sins, intolerant of freedom, rules based, …

It was what he wanted

Of the many hundreds of people that I met doing this work out on the streets, there were only a few that I had the on-going pleasure to visit on a regular basis.  Regardless of whether they accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ or not, I was made welcome in their homes for tea or …

Spirit to spirit

Salvatore was a neighbor of mine who lived across the street from me.  I never knew him all that well however, because like most Italian migrants, he and his wife were hard working people.  They seemed to work long hours, including some weekends.  There was also a hindrance in communication between us, with me not knowing …

I hope not

Josie was in a wheelchair the day she came to open the door to me.  She was a thirty-three year old Italian lady who lived with her mum and forty-three year old sister.  It was not readily apparent why she was in the chair but it certainly looked as though this was a permanent situation for her.  …

I have to have time to make the choice

The first time I met Len he spoke inside behind his security door for ten minutes, then he stepped out from the door onto the porch and we spoke for another ten minutes or so, then he called for his wife May to come and meet me.  May was very happy that this event was taking place …

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