Is it True, UK Church of England Leadership?

 We read and hear of you considering the use of neuter-gender terminology towards the LORD God Almighty. If it is true and you proceed, you will demonstrate: 1. You have no fear of God. 2. You are under Satanic deception. 3. You have placed yourself under God’s curse. 

Righteousness follows Redemption, Worship follows Righteousness

Quote: “Redemption is prior to righteousness. You cannot be righteous until you are first redeemed. Redemption, righteousness – you cannot worship until you are redeemed and righteous. That is the chronology, that is the logic of it all. Redemption, righteousness and worship.” – Ravi Zacharias.***   Redemption – ‘deliverance by sacrifice.’ Of all the religious books, the …

The “too simple” Gospel Message of Jesus Christ

Question: Why don’t people believe the gospel message of Jesus Christ? One answer only, today: It’s too simple. Did I get that answer from a book? Not at all. I got it (and get it) as a response to my sharing it with people. A common response: “There has got to be more to it …

The Protestant Antichrist

One doesn’t have to search the Internet too deeply to study people’s viewpoints regarding the Antichrist, whether they’re biblical or non-biblical. From Popes to Presidents, Princes to Politicians, there’s enough to keep one occupied for years should that be one’s desire. However, much less is said about the spirit of Antichrist….. now already in the …

So Guess who’s Really Ruled by Fear?

As I understand it, fear rules the lives of many Christians throughout the Western world just as effectively as it does the lives of unbelievers. But the question is, why? How can this be when the Scripture tells us, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound …

Fear-filled Appeasers

“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured.” – Winston Churchill. It was fear-filled appeasers of Hitler and Nazism he was referring to, but how accurately this fits fear-filled appeasers of Islam …

A Discerning Church

In reference to the rise of anti-Semitism across the globe, the concerned man of God said to his YouTube audience, “Time to step up for righteousness. Too many Christians have lost their discernment.” Whilst that’s true, perhaps it’s just as accurate to say too many Christians have not as yet had any discernment to lose! Like the Hebrew …

Jesus Will See To It

A man once told me he found friends outside the church to be, “better than those inside the church. They’re more loyal, more trustworthy and more reliable by far.” Sadly, most of them in his church did turn out to be disloyal, untrustworthy and unreliable, nevertheless, I asked, “How many of the outsiders would remain your friend if …

Righteousness-conscious Christians

The Anglican Bishop of a major rural city here is the latest to date, publicly declaring support for same-sex marriage. There’s nothing surprising about that of course, but for any Bible Christians wondering how such a decision can be made based on what the Bible says about marriage, this is how it’s done. The Bishop’s quote: “The …

Righteousness is The Key!

“The free offer of the gospel is broad enough to include the worst sinner who believes; the gospel is narrow enough to exclude the most moral, religious unbeliever.” – John MacArthur. If you ask most thinking people if they believe there’s a God in heaven, they’ll tell you they do. If you ask the same people if …

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