Righteousness-conscious Christians

The Anglican Bishop of a major rural city here is the latest to date, publicly declaring support for same-sex marriage. There’s nothing surprising about that of course, but for any Bible Christians wondering how such a decision can be made based on what the Bible says about marriage, this is how it’s done. The Bishop’s quote: “The Bible teaches marriage is for man and woman, that is pretty clear and that is our standard position.” See how it looks like he stands for the word of God? It’s always wise to wait for the “But,” to follow however. There has to be a “But,” always, otherwise such people can’t support same-sex marriage.

So here’s his “But”. “But it is saying marriage is good for people and society, and I think ‘whether or not we approve of same gender relationships, we want people to be in strong, monogamous and sustainable relationships that give harmony to their lives and to the community.” See how he gets around it? After hearing a statement like that, who dares to put a downer on what’s good for people and society and the need for them to be in strong, monogamous and sustainable relationships that give harmony to people’s lives? Who dares to challenge a Bishop face to face with, “Show me from the Bible where it says same-sex marriage is good for people and society…….?” If anyone has done so already, there’s every chance they’ve been accused with expressing hate speech.

The Federal Government has proposed a plebiscite on this issue to be held February next year and he’s one of many who are against it, preferring the Government to make the decision. Why? “The Parliament is charged with the business of making important decisions — get on with it.” The Bishop says the potential for hate speech is, “almost inevitable.” More: “It is the issue of respect that concerns me about the plebiscite. It is about the distress it could cause in the community, particularly among young, gay or sexually confused young people.” What about his respect for we, the “ordinary” people and the democratic vote, plus we, the Bible Christians who disagree with him and abhor his lack of respect for the holy word of God, as he makes it say what God does not say?

If this man were simply a pastor of one church holding this view, I would not have addressed the issue as there are some articles about it on this blog already. But as a Bishop, his Diocese extends to about 28 District Parishes. Whether the attendance or membership of each one is large or small I don’t know. Neither do I know where his priests and people stand on the matter, but potentially his powers of persuasion upon them all are enormous. If their relationship with the Lord Jesus is not super strong and their overall knowledge of Scripture is limited to what they hear preached from the pulpit on Sundays, they’ll be a pushover for him. A man called “Bishop” draped in a purple robe with a huge silver cross on a long silver chain hanging from his neck. Uh Uh!

Not only is he called “Bishop” but also, “Right Reverend”. If a man’s questionable theology alone doesn’t have the effect of silencing otherwise brave souls, his added titles usually get the job done. Most Christians are intimidated by those things and most Bishops and Right Reverends holding to any questionable theologies know it. This post is not written for Bishops and Right Reverends like this man. They’ve already made up their minds and nothing will change them. They call it, “making the Scriptures relevant for the 21st Century,” or something just as silly. What we have to make sure of is that their powers of persuasion are rendered powerless in our presence; we nullify them in an instant!

How do we do that? We do it by hungering and thirsting for righteousness and believing the Lord Jesus will fill us with it Matthew 5:6. The following definition of righteousness blessed me the other day and I pray it blesses you today: “Righteousness is God’s own perfection in every attribute, every attitude, every behavior, and every word.” That’s the righteousness we already possess in a measure in Jesus, all we have to do is work it out. He has covered me with the robe of righteousness Isaiah 61:10. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe…… Romans 3:22. For He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him 2 Corinthians 5:21. 

In my church experiences very little has been spoken about the righteousness of God, in the manner defined above and I suspect that’s the reality for most Christians. If it were otherwise, apostates would not be the loudest voices in Christianity today. Those filled with righteousness don’t hang around such people once they discern they’re in the presence of them. They’re well aware of what Jesus says about spiritual frauds, Bishops or otherwise! For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:20. Those words are not directed to those made righteous, only those who are self-righteous.

If Pastors, Bishops and Right Reverends won’t speak up for the righteousness of God, we who’ve been made righteous must. Quote: “The righteousness that Jesus required in his kingdom was purity, chastity, honesty, temperance, the fear of God, and the love of man. It is pure, eternal, reaching the motives, and making the life holy.” – Albert Barnes. I spoke with a Christian the other day that I had not seen for about twenty-four years. And whilst the righteousness of Christ was not mentioned by the person in our ten-minute chat, the prosperity “gospel” was, plus the different Bible translations available today. I’m of the opinion that one reason righteousness is lacking in today’s Christianity is largely due to the popularity of these modern translations. I spoke of righteousness.

I’m not a “King James only” advocate but I want one or something similar close by when studying Scripture. Surely (certainly, verily, truly), shall one say, in the Lord I have righteousness and strength (boldness, might, power, strong) Isaiah 45:24. If you take God seriously on this matter He’ll take you seriously and give it to you. I will go in the strength (force, valor, victory, mastery, might, mighty power) of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only……… My tongue also shall talk of Your righteousness all the day long… Psalm 71:16, 24. Scripture-twisters and Bible compromisers can’t lay claim to these holy declarations. The Holy Spirit won’t come near them and the devil simply laughs at them!

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination Leviticus 18:22. There are multiple reasons why we Bible Christians are despised for our faith, but holding to the plain-sense meaning of that Scripture is one of the major reasons why today. “It’s not relevant for the 21st Century,” some say. “It was a command for the Jews only,” say others. “That’s Jewish law in any case! We’re not under law today, we’re under grace,” say others. Christians are not under God’s Ceremonial Law today but we are under God’s Moral Law. God’s own perfection in every attribute, every attitude, every behavior, and every word is most definitely in operation here. Only those with disrespect for the biblical God, the biblical Christ and the Bible are willing to say otherwise.

One popular method of ridding Scriptures deemed unpopular is to spiritualize and allegorize them, making them mean what God never intended them to mean. Any minister, elder, pastor, Bishop and Right Reverend favoring that method of Scripture “interpretation” can make them say whatever they want them to say. That’s one reason why there’s always been so many different denominations and fellowships under Christianity’s banner. One Lord, one faith, one baptism Ephesians 4:5. That’s a reality in a group where Jesus Christ is truly confessed and honored as Lord and the evidence is everywhere confirmed by God the Holy Spirit. How would we know the reality of this? By holding to plain-sense meanings of Scriptures we may not like or understand.

It’s vital for our spiritual well-being that we regularly ask the Holy Spirit to make us righteousness-conscious Christians. Failing to do so will have us operating our lives from feelings and emotions, not from facts and faith – the facts of Scripture and faith in the God who wrote them, reveals them and empowers us to live according to them. In relation to this same-sex marriage matter, the Bishop of this post is operating from his feelings and emotions, as are those who are allied with him. Emotional Christians are seriously ineffective for the biblical God, revealed in the Lord Jesus; righteousness-conscious Christians are seriously effective for Him. The mouth of the righteous is a well of life…… Proverbs 10:11. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you Matthew 6:33. 

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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