This is Reality Talk not Religious Talk

For many years now I’ve been saying one can never really know what another person is like until that person doesn’t get his or her own way; then one begins to find out very quickly. And no, I’m not, “being judgmental.” The first person I learned this truth from was myself, not anyone else! It …

Jesus Will See To It

A man once told me he found friends outside the church to be, “better than those inside the church. They’re more loyal, more trustworthy and more reliable by far.” Sadly, most of them in his church did turn out to be disloyal, untrustworthy and unreliable, nevertheless, I asked, “How many of the outsiders would remain your friend if …

Who’s Building The House?

I’m noticing of late that it’s not only cynical unbelieving people asking, “If God exists, then why doesn’t He show Himself?” But some Christians are asking it too. My answer to the cynical unbeliever is simple, “God reveals Himself to humble, repentant people. Besides, you know He exists.” But that’s not my answer to a brother or sister in Christ, who …

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