“You asked, I answered!”

God bless UK Prime Minister Theresa May for having the courage to publicly declare Christians should not be afraid to speak freely about their faith at work and in public places. God bless her again for her endorsement of a UK report which said that Christianity should be “celebrated, not denigrated”. How refreshing to discover too, Prime …

Who’s Building The House?

I’m noticing of late that it’s not only cynical unbelieving people asking, “If God exists, then why doesn’t He show Himself?” But some Christians are asking it too. My answer to the cynical unbeliever is simple, “God reveals Himself to humble, repentant people. Besides, you know He exists.” But that’s not my answer to a brother or sister in Christ, who …

What’s Missing from Christianity?

Just before he was about to preach his message, a Christian man shared how he had been rushing to get to the service.  In relation to the near 200 kilometer drive, he said, “I set the cruise control on my car at 120 kph, ran a couple of lights, but I made it in time.”   In the group, it …

God is not looking for good people

One of the most glaring misconceptions about Christianity that I observed among church-goers, non-church-goers and unbelieving people alike, was their preoccupation with the thought that it required them to be “good” people.  Spoken or unspoken, many people conveyed the message that they could never attain the perceived

You need Jesus Christ

I walked around the back of the house and I saw the man sitting on some out-house doorsteps stirring a tin of paint with an electric drill. As he looked up at me I said to him, “You need Jesus Christ.” He quickly responded by saying, “I’ve been looking for Him.”

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