“You asked, I answered!”

God bless UK Prime Minister Theresa May for having the courage to publicly declare Christians should not be afraid to speak freely about their faith at work and in public places. God bless her again for her endorsement of a UK report which said that Christianity should be “celebrated, not denigrated”. How refreshing to discover too, Prime Minister May is not paying political lip-service to this either. As a practicing member of the Church of England, she says Christianity “lies behind what I do”. God bless US President-elect Donald Trump too for his public statements on the same topic.

Says Mr. Trump: “Christianity is being chipped away at in this country. It’s being chipped away at and I’m not going to let it happen…… I want Christianity to have a strong flavor. In relation to the tax-exempt status of US churches and because of it, he said, “They’ve shut Christianity down. They’re really being silenced and we can’t let that happen; we’re not going to let that happen……. Think of the power we have over the Democrats, over the Republicans ……….” And yes, I am fully aware his critics and haters are saying Hitler used the Church and Christianity for similar ends. I haven’t read Trump’s “The Art of the Deal”, but I have read Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” If I should read the former at some stage, I know I’ll not be discerning the intentions and delusions of a madman!

So the question I’m asking myself is, why these two leaders? Why these two great nations? What is God saying through them that He seemingly can no longer say through most (but not all) of His church leaders? To me the answer is clear. God is saying, “In spite of the demonically inspired doctrines of the Politically Correct cowards, the Cultural Marxist manipulators, the Communist con-men and the Leftist liars, I am the Lord, I do not change, and neither does My gospel. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8. Because these two leaders are willing to boldly stand up for biblical Christianity in the midst of all that lot, God is saying to us we are to do likewise. The righteous are as bold as a lion Proverbs 28:1.

I thank God too that Prime Minister May and President-elect Trump represent the UK and the US, for in former days it was the dedicated men and women from these two nations God used in mighty ways to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world. It may yet be that the fruit of their work will be realized in greater measures than they ever imagined. For in this the saying is true,One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored…..  John 4:37-38. In any case, it’s a grand opportunity for us to take up their mantle, for I am sure this is the reason God has given us a reprieve from the godless influences and pressures from the crowd mentioned in the above paragraph.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked (morally wrong, lawless, ungodly) man rules, the people groan Proverbs 29:2. Quote: “The people will have cause to rejoice or mourn according as their rulers are righteous or wicked; for, if the righteous be in authority, sin will be punished and restrained, religion and virtue will be supported and kept in reputation; but, if the wicked get power in their hands, wickedness will abound, religion and religious people will be persecuted, and so the ends of government will be perverted.” – Matthew Henry. To varying degrees Part B of the above Scripture has been the experience of Christians in the UK and US in recent years. Perhaps it’s God’s intention they experience something of Part A. 

Other words for righteous are: ‘just’ and ‘lawful’. Leaders possessing a profound honor and respect for such are sorely lacking in most nations presently, including those in my country, Australia. During the US elections campaign none of them had a positive word for Donald Trump. The sanctimonious and self-righteous expressions of these people sickened me to the core. But after he won the election, how quick they were to change their tune. I have not heard the term, “gutless wonder” in a long time, but through observing their behavior, it seems to fit them perfectly. I’m now praying for some of Ms. May and Mr. Trump’s forthrightness and respect for what’s real to rub off on to them at some point soon!

I do pray that as Christians we see the hand of God in this, for there are many among us presently who don’t see it, while others refuse to see it. If we fail to take advantage of this time we will have lost the opportunity to bring Jesus Christ to the forefront and things will go back to being “business as usual”. When God opens a door we’d better go through it otherwise He’ll close it just as He did with His people of old. The apostle Paul knew when God opened a door for him to share and preach Christ; we’ll know it too as we seek the Lord in prayer. For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries 1 Corinthians 16:9. Yes, many adversaries always come with the package; so does the wisdom and power of God!

Now whilst most of us know we’re not called to full time missionary work, we do know God has given us a mission: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom. Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching 2 Timothy 4:1-2. As we diligently seek the Lord in prayer asking Him to give us people to share the gospel with at work or wherever, we need never doubt the answer to that prayer. Prayer example: Lord, not all in my workplace give thought to Your reality, but someone does. Would you show me who that is so I can begin praying for the right timing to speak to him/her about You.

Your answer will show up soon enough, you won’t need to force it. Usually, part of my prayer too is that God would place a couple of questions on their heart to ask me. It doesn’t matter what they ask, the Holy Spirit will give the appropriate answer; I simply speak it out then wait for the next question. Following this I will ask him/her a couple of questions. Again, it matters not to me what answer they respond with; I’ll be given words to follow through on. They may never admit it to you up front but every non-believer knows they’re empty, lonely, guilty, afraid of death, the hereafter and the impending judgment of God. In spite of their outward  denials, they know it. That’s why God has brought them to us in the first place.

Another advantage in you praying that God place questions in their heart for you to answer; you cannot be accused of proselytizing or Bible-bashing. They asked, you answered! A few months ago a Roman Catholic man asked me quite a few questions about Jesus Christ’s saving work as the Bible declares it. At the time of answering all appeared to be harmonious, but the following day slight antagonism showed in his speech. I reminded him, “You asked, I answered.” That’s another important truth to make ourselves aware of. The Spirit of God will come upon those coming to us with questions, but very often so will Satan the devil, at a later time. Not everyone embraces our message right away; there’s much they can struggle with.

In addition to those struggling in coming to terms with the gospel of Christ there will be those who will reject what you’ve told them. Should it be someone from your workplace Satan may well use them to persecute you, making your life difficult there. To their face I would remind them, “You asked, I answered.” But in the spirit realm, which is where the real battle is taking place, take authority over every demon coming at you. Jesus said it, Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you Luke 10:19. Confess that as a reality for yourself for a few days, then watch what happens. The Lord will honor your efforts, guaranteed. Every demon in the place will know it!

Another advantage in making that confession: it will not worry you who’s in authority or where. Should it be a wicked ruler heading up your nation or workplace, you will know without a shadow of doubt that as far as spiritual authority is concerned, you rule. God wants all servants of Christ to know this as we pray for them. Should it be a righteous ruler, praise God for him or her; continue to uphold them in prayer and thanksgiving before God. Speaking of prayer and thanksgiving, I am convinced this is the reason God has given Theresa May as leader of the UK and Donald Trump as the leader of the USA. Too, I believe God would say to us, “You asked, I answered!” Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me Psalm 50:15. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James 5:16.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 39 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 32 years. Streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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