Invoking the Name of Jesus Christ in Prayer

Approximately 500 Christians gathered in front of the New Zealand Parliament recently, to pray for the Speaker to bring back references to Jesus Christ in the Parliamentary prayer. Late last year the Country changed Government and the new Speaker removed mention of Jesus Christ from the prayer. It appears he did so not for malicious …

Jesus Will See To It

A man once told me he found friends outside the church to be, “better than those inside the church. They’re more loyal, more trustworthy and more reliable by far.” Sadly, most of them in his church did turn out to be disloyal, untrustworthy and unreliable, nevertheless, I asked, “How many of the outsiders would remain your friend if …

So, What Price Freedom of Speech?

In reference to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation it did to the Northeastern region of the USA, I noted the comments of Christian writer and TV presenter, Hal Lindsey, “Perhaps the most critical and immediate effect of the storm is the loss of electrical power,” and it, “serves as a warning about for which we are unprepared.” As he spoke, …

They’ve Kicked Jesus to the Curb!

I was closing the driveway gate the other day when a man walked along, stopped and introduced himself. Shaking my hand he said, “Hello I’m Jim (not real name). I’m the pastor of the church just down the street.” Knowing the church and the denomination, I mentioned to him that twenty years ago I was a …

What’s Missing from Christianity?

Just before he was about to preach his message, a Christian man shared how he had been rushing to get to the service.  In relation to the near 200 kilometer drive, he said, “I set the cruise control on my car at 120 kph, ran a couple of lights, but I made it in time.”   In the group, it …

Dramatic changes. Part 2

“Whatever is in the heart of a person will always get exposed.”  As mentioned in Dramatic Changes. Part 1, those were the words used frequently by the pastor of the church that my family and I were associated with at the time of my ministry in the local community.  Personally, I was glad to come into that knowledge, because …

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