So, What Price Freedom of Speech?

In reference to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation it did to the Northeastern region of the USA, I noted the comments of Christian writer and TV presenter, Hal Lindsey, “Perhaps the most critical and immediate effect of the storm is the loss of electrical power,” and it, “serves as a warning about for which we are unprepared.” As he spoke, I transferred my thoughts to the realm of spiritual power, and the “storms” we can expect to encounter for our stand as biblical Christians. That is, our stand for the biblical definition of marriage, the sanctity of life, Israel’s divine right to exist as a nation, freedom of religion and speech. “Am I prepared?” I asked.

“In our modern technology-based culture,” said Mr Lindsey, “Everything depends on having reliable electrical power……”  I looked at my “stuff” that requires reliable electrical power. Would I be willing to compromise reliable spiritual power for any of it? Should one day I be tested, I pray I’ll still be able to say, “No!” Next, “The loss of electric power sets the stage for the horrific disintegration of society.” It did, but was the stage already set decades before, as a result of a loss or relinquishment of spiritual power? Lastly, “The longer the lights are out, the more desperation sets in and the less respect there is for law and order.” That’s my testimony too. The longer my spiritual lights were out, the more did desperation and disrespect set in.

Back to these “storms” we can expect to encounter for our stand as biblical Christians. I can’t help but think we’re soon to face some almighty “storms” from our opponents. Take same-sex marriage. Once legislated into law, I suspect the bulk of these ceremonies will take place in parks, reception houses and hotels, but how will biblical Christians respond when these people start attending church so as to get married there? For come they surely will; God will allow them to come as a test. How are you going to respond, pastor? Will you stand on the biblical definition of marriage, or roll over for Satan’s definition? How about you, brother and sister? If your pastor rolls over will you do likewise? Are you prepared to leave the church if he does?

As biblical Christians, we must ask the Holy Spirit to tune us in to Satan’s principle of gradualism. Satan will go to work on the strongest of biblical pastors or elders with the intention of gradually wearing them down. Particularly will he do that with one who is under financial pressure – a car or home purchase, kids being put through school, college or university. He doesn’t want to lose his position so he’ll roll over. Once one pastor does it in the denomination, it won’t be long before another one does so, then another. This will happen, because the denomination has already caved in to accepting women in their pulpits, couples living together before marriage etc. In other words, compromise is compromise! 

How about the sanctity of life? Reading the article of a Marxist, Socialist, evolutionary humanist the other day, he said the only people with concerns for abortion, euthanasia, embryo research, the care of the disabled and the elderly are, “know-nothing, fundamentalist Christians.” That godless, satanic “storm” is everywhere now but it’s about to expand like never before all across the world. As a biblical Christian you dare not let it enter your church, because if you do, a spirit of murder will ride in on the back of it! And if that spirit is not discerned and exposed it will have a legal right to cause havoc with spiritual, mental and physical sicknesses. The Holy Spirit will not deal with what the church won’t deal with.

Biblical Christians must not allow themselves to be seduced by the sweet-talking seductions of this devil-inspired crowd. They are not motivated by compassion and love; their deceiving ruler Satan has none – selfishness and hatred is all he has because that’s all he is. Forget about ‘my body’ ‘my rights’ ‘death with dignity’ ‘quality of life’ etc. Murder is murder! We know human beings are created in God’s image Genesis 1:26, and that God has set us apart from all other forms of life. The helpless are to be protected and treated with dignity and respect at all times. The murder of human beings is expressly forbidden – the penalty being death Genesis 9:6. Praise God for the forgiveness and redemption found in the Lord Jesus for the repentant.

A massive “storm” on the horizon for biblical Christians to encounter soon is that of Israel and its divine right to exist as a nation. Multitudes of Christians in today’s institutional church are as anti-Semitic as the unbelieving world and are, therefore, under God’s curse. All anti-Semites are cursed. Biblical Christians must know God’s stand on the matter because that is to be our stand. If we stand with God we are blessed, if we stand with the anti-Semites we are cursed. If you are not sure where you stand, ask the Holy Spirit to rigorously search your heart and repent if you need to. In that coming day, the blessed will stand, the cursed will fall.

The land of Israel belongs to God Leviticus 25:23. The boundaries of Israel are fixed Exodus 23:31. God gave the land to Abraham and his descendants for an everlasting possession Genesis 12:7, 17:7-8. In giving the land to Abraham, God made a covenant with him Genesis 15:18-21. Abraham had many sons, but the land was given to Isaac only Genesis 17:18-19, 26:3-4. Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau, but the land was given to Jacob only Genesis 28:13-14, 35:11-12. The  descendants of Jacob are the Jewish people of today. There’s a ton of Bible studies, websites, books, DVD’s and You Tube teachings on the Internet to help us develop a sound, biblical theology on Israel, but only the teachable will be able to receive the truth.

Speaking of truth, Pontius Pilate once asked the Lord Jesus, “What is truth?” John 18:38, but he didn’t hang around long enough to find out. Neither do most people; they fear truth. That’s why religion is more popular than biblical Christianity. Half truth, part truth, no truth … it’s not only the media, politicians, educators, police, legal and judicial people and business men and women who operate out of those today, religious people operate that way too! Like their unbelieving friends, religious people can talk about God, but they cannot talk about Jesus“Jesus, there’s something about that name,” so says the song. There is too; you will either bless it or curse it, there is no middle ground.

What is it about that name that people don’t like? The Bible declares that because of Jesus’ death on the cross for us, He has been highly exalted. So highly exalted is Jesus that God gave Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee  should bow….those in heaven….on earth…..under the earth….  every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord….Philippians 2:8-11. And one day they will! The name of Jesus is the name of God; Jesus is God Incarnate; Jesus is God, God is Jesus. That’s why you hear His name and character being maligned, slandered, mocked and cursed but not the name and character of any other leader.

Although the “storm” against Jesus, the Bible and biblical Christians has never ceased  creating havoc somewhere across the world for two millennia, the most fierce is about to blow. Christians in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East know all about such “storms” (persecution) but not so, we Christians in the western world. Until recently, Western society has shown tolerance and restraint as we’ve gone about preaching Jesus as, the way, the truth and the life….. John 14:6. But it’s not the case anymore. There’s a spirit of open defiance against truth rising publically across the nations within, coupled with rising spirits of corruption, rebellion, hatred, lawlessness, sexual perversion and murder – nothing is going to stem its tide.

So what can biblical Christians expect to encounter as we continue to proclaim truth? For a start, we can expect to be thrown (ever so nicely) out of those man-centered religious institutions called churches. In other words, before the truth-hating world gets to you, the truth-hating church will get to you. Unless your brand of truth fits like a glove with their brand of truth, you’re going to be branded a heretic, a rebel, a trouble-maker and, a tool of the devil. It will happen in the name of love and even in the name of Jesus to add venom to the serpent’s bite! Biblical Christians need to come to terms with the reality that the greatest truth-haters can be first and foremost, leaders and power-brokers of traditional Christian denominations.

Following these come the “Christian” cults. There’s no truth in any of them. Once a religious group begins to mix error with truth, it is the error that dominates, never the truth. That’s the case with every known cult and every unknown cult. The ‘Jesus’ they subscribe to is another Jesus 2 Corinthians 11:4, not the Jesus who said, the truth will make you free John 8:32. He’s a ‘Jesus’ of their creation who will tie you up in knots, confusion, drivenness, fear and guilt and if you fail to seek the biblical Jesus for yourself he will, over time, destroy you spiritually, mentally, morally and physically. See my post: The Spirit of Cultism Entices PeopleLove for the truth is the biblical Christian’s only safe-guard.

After that come the non-Christian religions. There’s no truth in any of them either. Whatever “truth” they proclaim has been stolen. It comes from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not the tree of life Genesis 2:9. Don’t be deceived by their patronizing talk about love and respect for Jesus. They’re not referring to LORD JESUS CHRIST – GOD ALMIGHTY INCARNATE … they deny Him as such. It doesn’t matter what else they say about Him, if they deny that, nothing else they say makes any sense. Forget about dialoguing with them for the purposes of trying to find some common ground – they’re not looking for common ground. They’re looking to get you to compromise your position; there’s no way they’re going to compromise theirs.

So, what price freedom of speech? Politically correct truth-haters are paying an enormous price. It is not our mouths and minds they’ve shut down, it is their own. More than that, they have destroyed themselves. In trying to make puppets out of us, all they’ve done is allow others to make puppets out of them. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him……a flattering mouth works ruin Proverbs 26:27-28. That’s the price … how foolish! They think we’re the enemy, they are their own enemy. Remember that, in the “storms” ahead, biblical brother and sister. Loss of electrical power is inconvenient; loss of spiritual power is deadly. “All authority (power) has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations………” Matthew 28:18-20.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. “…Loss of electrical power is inconvenient; loss of spiritual power is deadly…”

    Our earthly governments may be powerless when electricity fails, but the kingdom of God never suffers a power loss. Its power is eternal and infinite, dependent solely on the Eternal One, the King.

  2. Thank you, Roger, for preparing us and helping us now, for what lies ahead. Praying that many plug into the only source of true Power. God bless you and yours!

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