If There Were Such a Word as ‘Evilist’…..

For a few brief minutes every work-day morning my wife and I have the TV on so as to catch up on news and weather reports. As far as the “news” is concerned, we are aware that they’re only reporting that which they want us to know rather than that which we ought to know, but …

Dramatic changes. Part 2

“Whatever is in the heart of a person will always get exposed.”  As mentioned in Dramatic Changes. Part 1, those were the words used frequently by the pastor of the church that my family and I were associated with at the time of my ministry in the local community.  Personally, I was glad to come into that knowledge, because …

Dramatic changes. Part 1

The first time my wife and I stepped inside our local church we were pleasantly surprised and greatly impressed by the people and the freedom that most of them seemed to genuinely express before, during and after the service.  Neither of us had been associated with a church since we were children, but the contrast between that time and this time was remarkable …

I’m free. It’s wonderful!

It was a lovely sunny afternoon, towards the end of winter, when Amy came to her door. Looking to be in her mid to late eighties, she stood in amazement as I explained to her why I was calling and she listened intently as I shared with her a little of my experience of the reality and …

The religious spirit

New Testament Ephesians 6:12 tells us very clearly that as Christians, we are not fighting against flesh and blood (human beings), but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  In other words, we are up against evil spiritual rulers from the …

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