The Visitation of God

Quote: “The visitation of God comes either in salvation or condemnation; it comes one way or another. Every one of us will experience the visitation of God. God will show up in your life for salvation, now, and forever, or for judgment in the future, and forever.” – John MacArthur. In what way does the …

The “too simple” Gospel Message of Jesus Christ

Question: Why don’t people believe the gospel message of Jesus Christ? One answer only, today: It’s too simple. Did I get that answer from a book? Not at all. I got it (and get it) as a response to my sharing it with people. A common response: “There has got to be more to it …

Keep Trampling!

Said the seventy disciples of Jesus to Jesus upon their return from ministry, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name Luke 10:17. When was the last time you heard your church leaders tell you demons are subject to you in Jesus name? Better still, when was the last time you actively confirmed that …

Think of the Lord as Reality

Nearly thirty years ago I wrote a letter to a very dear friend testifying of my new-found faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Fourteen years later when we met again, he remained the same dear friend, but no mention was made of the letter. Five years after that we met again. This time he …

Smoldering Embers

“I don’t like to preach a lot about sin,” said the pastor. “That’s going to drive them away.” “Our church doesn’t preach doom and gloom,” said the lady. “It preaches good news.” “If you come to our church you’ll be made very welcome,” said another. “Not like some, where all they do is make you feel bad.” “I won’t …

The Ultimate Tragedy

“How patient God was,” I’ve heard it said, in reference to the wickedness of the antediluvian world. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Genesis 6:5. Amen, indeed; not only patient, but merciful! We don’t really know the …

Mouth-muzzled Wimps

Bible Christians speaking up for God don’t go too many days without someone challenging them on His existence. “What proof?” they ask. “Where is He?” they ask. “I see no evidence of God,” they say. Some people are mildly curious, but most are not; they’re simply smoke-screening. The same applies to the sneering, the cynical and the silly among them who take delight in speaking …

A Witness so Effective

One of the expressions of Christian-speak disturbing me in this time of increasing evil is: “God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin.” It rolls off the mouth of Christians so easily. When preachers express it they’ll also use the most famous Scripture to back it up: For God so loved the world that He gave His only …

Five Reasons Why People Will Go Through The Great Tribulation

I’ve been giving attention to some Scriptures  declaring God’s forthcoming wrath, one day soon to be poured out upon all haters of God in what Jesus calls, great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21. It’s not a pretty picture! Neither should it be when one …

If There Were Such a Word as ‘Evilist’…..

For a few brief minutes every work-day morning my wife and I have the TV on so as to catch up on news and weather reports. As far as the “news” is concerned, we are aware that they’re only reporting that which they want us to know rather than that which we ought to know, but …

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