Why the Need for 777 Books?

In recent days on social media, a Christian man with a prophetic gifting put out a suggestion regarding the Bible, “We don’t have the whole picture.” He made it clear he’s not coming against the Bible; but by way of an archeological finding, he said he believes there are, “more books coming.” He said he’s …

No-God People, God is Love-based not Rules-based  

Quote: “If you have no God, then you have no revelation and you have no Bible and you have no hope because you have no salvation.” – John MacArthur. That’s it in a nutshell! No wonder fear is the primary motivator in most people across the globe. They’re on their own and they know it …

Anything Less than a Three-fold Change is Penance not Repentance!

This post is written for people not familiar with the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth to save you from the penalty of your sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross in your place Hebrews 9:26. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. You sin …

The “too simple” Gospel Message of Jesus Christ

Question: Why don’t people believe the gospel message of Jesus Christ? One answer only, today: It’s too simple. Did I get that answer from a book? Not at all. I got it (and get it) as a response to my sharing it with people. A common response: “There has got to be more to it …

So What’s the Idolatry?

Satan the devil must be very pleased indeed with the church leaders and many Christians presently. What with so much talk, protest, criticism and abuse among us regarding, abortion, same-sex marriage, climate change, Israel, the Democrats, the Republicans, the USA Presidential election, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, how could he not be pleased? How he loves to see us …

God said, “Humility, not ability.”

A friend from overseas stayed for a couple of nights recently. He knows my stand for the Lord Jesus, the gospel and the Bible. During times of both national and international disasters he’s heard me speak of the Bible’s promises of blessing and protection for obedience to God and His promises of judgment and lack of protection for …

They Come To Meet Jesus But Meet Lazarus Instead

In recent days I’ve been giving thought to the counsel of Smith Wigglesworth, given to a class of Bible students in 1927, warning them that if they ever turned from the word of God “to some other place ” they could not believe the truth after that.  He said, “The spirit of this age is to get you to believe a …

Zombies in the Pulpits – Zombies in the Pews

Two years prior to becoming a Christian I spent as much time as I could reading about human nature.  I found it to be a fascinating experience and I absorbed as many books as I could get my hands on about the subject, both from the library and from second-hand book shops.  Old cloth-bound and hard cover books held a greater appeal for me than the …

To Have that Which I can’t Have

The one thing about human nature that never ceases to fascinate me is the driving force within to take to ourselves that which is not meant for us.  Or, to have that which I can’t have.  The small child is told that he or she can,”look, but not touch.”  Once we turn our back, what’s the …

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