Anything Less than a Three-fold Change is Penance not Repentance!

This post is written for people not familiar with the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth to save you from the penalty of your sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross in your place Hebrews 9:26. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. You sin …

What happens When the Church Turns its Back on God?

Question: What happens when the Church turns its back on God? Answer No 1. It violates the 1st Commandment of God, You shall have no other gods before Me Exodus 20:2. That’s rebellion. Answer No 2. It violates the 2nd Commandment of God, You shall not make for yourself any carved image Exodus 20:4. Carved into …

This Religious but Rebellious Reverend

A Satanically-possessed gunman slaughters 59 people and wounds an additional 500-plus people in Las Vegas, USA, and the female Reverend of the 5500-member Chicago Fourth Presbyterian Church says, “It’s overwhelming and God has some explaining to do.” Wrong, Reverend. Not according to Job Chapters 38-41 He hasn’t! It is you who has some explaining to do. …

Fear-filled Appeasers

“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured.” – Winston Churchill. It was fear-filled appeasers of Hitler and Nazism he was referring to, but how accurately this fits fear-filled appeasers of Islam …

Master or Teacher – Which One Commands More Respect From You?

Most of my Bible reading this year has been from the Authorized KJV rather than the usual NKJV or NIV. I’m not a die-hard ‘King James only’ Christian, but I am very glad to have one in my possession, having been greatly blessed by studying or meditating on some words not used in the other versions. But in reference to the …

From The Poorhouse To The Whorehouse

A Christian man shared recently that he’s had a wonderful spiritual breakthrough as a result of catching up with his former pastor whom he had not seen for many years. In conversation he told the pastor, “Sometimes I think God must look at me and shake His head in despair, thinking, ‘what am I going to do …

God said, “Humility, not ability.”

A friend from overseas stayed for a couple of nights recently. He knows my stand for the Lord Jesus, the gospel and the Bible. During times of both national and international disasters he’s heard me speak of the Bible’s promises of blessing and protection for obedience to God and His promises of judgment and lack of protection for …

The Destructive Power of Uncertainty

A television presenter recently interviewed a couple whose family was experiencing severe trials and she said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you.”  It was the second time that I’ve heard this presenter use those words, but I have also heard her on another occasion express uncertainty about the existence of God.  A man on the radio …

I was testing your faith

It was pouring with rain as I stood at the doorstep under my umbrella talking with the man.  Perhaps in his early thirties, he told me he’d done a lot of reading in recent times and was very proud to tell me that he’d, “read the Bible from cover to cover.”  However, he said that he couldn’t …

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