This Grand Problem

The politician was asked on National Television if he believed in God and quickly he replied, “No.” However, he was equally quick to use the words, “morally wrong” and “heartless” when accusing his political opponent on asylum seekers and climate change. His opponent said he did believe in God, but failed to take the godless man to task over …

It’s God’s Way Not Your Way

I watched a TV program the other night about a man they called the Face Doctor. He is a jaw and face reconstructive surgeon whose patients are mostly young victims of drunken violence. Asked how often was he putting people’s faces back together again because of violence, he said, “Every single week. It just goes on …

Five Reasons Why People Will Go Through The Great Tribulation

I’ve been giving attention to some Scriptures  declaring God’s forthcoming wrath, one day soon to be poured out upon all haters of God in what Jesus calls, great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21. It’s not a pretty picture! Neither should it be when one …

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